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Hi, I'm vegan but sometimes I eat pizza.

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I'm Carolyn from Los Angeles, but currently residing in Washington, DC. I am a college student, soon to be "on-my-own-what-the-hell-am-I-doing", but for now, I enjoy my diminished sense of responsibility and pseudo-deterministic attitude. During my quest to find myself during the so-called best 4 years of my life, I tried what every self-deprecating girl from LA tries: veganism. It did not start from a moral highground at ALL. One night, I drank too much wine and ate too much pizza (a usually ideal combination). I woke up feeling so sick the next morning that I figured it was time for me to ditch all animal products because that totally was going to solve all my problems, right? I meant to do it for a week. That was March 2016. So here we are, 2 years later. I can successfully tell you what seitan is and how much protein is in 1/2 cup of black beans and why you really don't need dairy to get calcium. Going vegan was the best "why not" decision I have made. Sometimes I mess up and eat mozzarella sticks, but hey, we must start accepting imperfect allies. This is less me trying to convince anyone to go vegan, but more of a "hey, here's what my world looks like." Enjoy.

Picture of myself;Avocado Toast;


Vegan food is diverse, colorful, delicious, and cruelty free! Here is a video showcasing all the cool things vegans can eat (in really aesthetic lighting).

Not only is veganism really beautiful aesthetically, it's really beautiful morally. Below is a video dubbed "The Best Speech Ever". Gary Yourofsky presents salient arguments for veganism. It's long, but it's informative and compelling. Give it a watch!

Here are some other great resources!

Is It Worth It?

Veganism may not be for everyone, and that's okay! It's definitely worth giving some thought, though. Take a look at this small pros and cons list for a very honest review of what being vegan is like.

Pros Cons
More calorically dilute foods means you get to eat more Less options when eating out at restaurants
Do not have to kill anything to get food There is a large stigma around being vegan
Grocery bill is cheaper when you exclude animal products and focus on vegetables, legumes, grains, and beans Vegan substitudes are more expensive than their animal product counterparts
There are a lot of health benefits that come with veganism due to an increase in vegetable and grain consumption Travelling is difficult
Cool gif;
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